Objective: To examine the relationship between peer victimization, prosocial support, and treatment adherence in children and adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
Method: Thirty-eight children diagnosed with IBD, between the ages of 7-19 years, and their parents were recruited from an outpatient Gastroenterology Clinic. Each child completed the Social Experience Questionnaire. The child, parent, and treating physician completed a one-item measure of child medication adherence.
Results: Child reported positive social interactions moderated the relationship between child reported peer victimization and self-reported medication adherence (t = -2.09; p = .045). These relationships held when parent report of child adherence was substituted for child reported adherence in this model (t = -2.37; p = .024).
Conclusions: The findings from this pilot study suggest that prosocial support may buffer children with IBD from experiencing the more negative effects of peer victimization on treatment adherence and highlight the importance of social interactions in youth with IBD. Implications for treatment are discussed.