Motor vehicle accidents (MVA) represent a complex physical and emotional stressor. Consequent short- and/or long-term alterations on the circulating concentrations of stress hormones and adipo-cytokines may have potential health implications. Fifty-nine children and adolescents, aged 7-18 years, were evaluated within 24 h after hospitalization for a MVA, and 1 and 6 months later; 40 children served as controls. We examined longitudinally the effects of physical injury-associated (PI) group vs. emotional-only stress (ES) group on circulating cortisol, catecholamine, interleukin (IL)-6, leptin and adiponectin concentrations. Within 24 h after the accident, serum cortisol concentration was greater than the controls in the PI but not the ES group (p = 0.02), while serum IL-6 concentration was greater in both trauma groups than in the controls (p = 0.004 for PI, p = 0.04 for ES). Adiponectin concentration was lower in the PI than the ES (p = 0.031) and the control (p = 0.019) groups and this was mainly attributed to females. The catecholamine and leptin concentrations were similar in the three groups. At the 1 and 6 month evaluations, cortisol and IL-6 concentrations in both trauma groups became normal. Adiponectin concentration in females, however, remained low 1 and 6 months after the accident (p = 0.03 for month six). In conclusion, circulating IL-6 concentration was influenced equally by the physical and emotional stress shortly after the trauma. Physical but not emotional-only stress lowered the circulating adiponectin concentrations in females and this effect persisted for at least 6 months.