Background: To assess prognostic value of the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) in childhood open-globe injuries.
Methods: This retrospective, interventional case series included 61 children with open-globe injuries. Certain numerical values rendered to the OTS variables (visual acuity, rupture, endophthalmitis, perforating injury, retinal detachment, afferent pupillary defect) at presentation were summated and converted into OTS categories; the likelihood of the final visual acuities in the OTS categories were calculated, and compared with those in the OTS Study.
Results: Age ranged from 3 years to 14 years (mean, 8.0 years). Forty-two boys and 19 girls were included. Follow-up ranged from 6 months to 56 months (mean, 18 months). The likelihood of the final visual acuities (no light perception, light perception/hand motion, 1/200-19/200, 20/200-20/50, and > or = 20/40) in the OTS categories (1 through 5) in this group were similar to those in the OTS Study group.
Conclusions: OTS calculated at initial examination may provide prognostic information in children with open-globe injuries.