A population-based cohort was used to determine the incidence and risk factors associated with development of venous thromboembolism (VTE) among Californians diagnosed with acute leukemia between 1993 to 1999. Principal outcomes were deep vein thrombosis in both the lower and upper extremities, pulmonary embolism, and mortality. Among 5394 cases with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), the 2-year cumulative incidence of VTE was 281 (5.2%). Sixty-four percent of the VTE events occurred within 3 months of AML diagnosis. In AML patients, female sex, older age, number of chronic comorbidities, and presence of a catheter were significant predictors of development of VTE within 1 year. A diagnosis of VTE was not associated with reduced survival in AML patients. Among 2482 cases with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the 2-year incidence of VTE in ALL was 4.5%. Risk factors for VTE were presence of a central venous catheter, older age, and number of chronic comorbidities. In the patients with ALL, development of VTE was associated with a 40% increase in the risk of dying within 1 year. The incidence of VTE in acute leukemia is appreciable, and is comparable with the incidence in many solid tumors.