Objective: We followed a cohort of 136 beryllium oxide ceramics workers from 1992 to 2003, including those who left employment, for beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease (CBD).
Methods: We invited the cohort's participation in current worker surveys in 1992, 1998, 2000, and 2002-2003, and in former worker surveys in 2000-2001 and 2003. We calculated 11-year cumulative incidences (after 1992 initial survey) of sensitization and CBD, both crude and corrected for interval censoring; and period prevalences (including 1992 findings), crude and corrected.
Results: In 1992, point prevalences were 6% sensitized and 4% CBD. We obtained follow-up on 83% of 128 not sensitized in 1992. Crude cumulative incidences for sensitization and CBD were 13% and 9%, respectively; corrected were 15% and 11%. Crude period prevalences for sensitization and CBD were 16% and 11%, respectively; corrected were 20% and 14%. Corrected period prevalences for pre-1992 machining work were 30% and 20%.
Conclusions: With repeated testing over 11 years, total sensitization and CBD in this cohort were triple initial 1992 survey results.