The Pax5 gene encodes the B-cell specific activator protein (BSAP), a member of the highly conserved paired box (PAX)-domain family of transcription factors and a key regulator in the development and differentiation of B-cells. Pax5 serves as a valuable B-cell marker in the classification of human lymphoma patients as it is restricted to lymphomas of B-cell lineage. In dogs, detection of Pax5 protein in lymphoma tissue has not been reported. Therefore, we have investigated the expression and detection of BSAP using a monoclonal anti-Pax5 antibody (anti-BSAP, clone 24) in canine lymphoma tissue samples to evaluate its diagnostic relevance as a B-cell marker. A series of 25 lymph nodes from 23 canine non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients, a reactive canine lymph node, and a normal non-reactive canine lymph node, were evaluated. All B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (15) were found to express Pax5 protein. In addition, there was a strong correlation between Pax5 and CD79a expression. Three CD3 positive and five CD3 and CD79a positive lymphomas were immunophenotypically negative for anti-Pax5, indicating a T-cell lineage. In conclusion, anti-Pax5 antibody may offer an excellent B-cell marker in canine lymphomas.