Objectives: To describe the UK Food Surveillance System (FSS UK) currently in operation in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and being introduced UK-wide, particularly in relation to the development, scope and roll-out of the system.
Study design: Pilot questionnaire, followed by pilot information technology (IT)-based study and subsequent roll-out.
Methods: A paper-based trial of data collection was introduced, followed by an IT-based pilot and the subsequent development of an IT-based system and an Internet-based resource. A project working group and specific user groups were formed to assist the dedicated project team to progress the project. The groups' compositions reflect the interests of the various partner organizations, including the involvement of the Food Standards Agency.
Results: Following the successful pilot study, Health Protection Scotland was commissioned by the Food Standards Agency to develop and roll-out FSS UK to councils and their partner laboratories throughout the UK within a 3-year period.
Conclusion: The development of FSS UK provides the opportunity to compare and contrast national food sample data, highlight emerging food-related trends and provide an early warning system for food-related issues.