Scube1 encodes a secreted plasma membrane-associated protein characterized by a N-terminal signal peptide sequence, multiple EGF domains, a N-linked glycosylated spacer region and a C-terminal CUB region. Here, we describe expression of the mouse Scube1 gene during early craniofacial development. Transcripts were identified in the nervous system, within the ventral neural tube, telencephalon and trigeminal ganglion. In addition, strong regionally restricted expression was found in the facial processes, including the medial and lateral nasal processes, maxilla and mandible, and caudal pharyngeal arches. During tooth development, Scube1 localized to the dental papilla of both incisor and molar teeth. Together, these data suggest a potential role for Scube1 during early craniofacial development.
(c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.