Objective: To present our clinical experience with a case of myomectomy of very big myoma during the second trimestr of pregnancy and to analyse current articles with this topics. Two myomectomies in one pregnancy (in the second trimestr and during the cesarian section) are presented.
Design: Review article, case report.
Results: A case report of 36-years-old nulliparous woman with 2 big fibroids in pregnancy is presented. The pregnancy was troubleless until 20th week, than she was hospitalized with suddenly appeared pain in epigastrium. A big necrotisis of fibroid was found during the examination. The clinical situation of the pacient rapidly deteriorated - in 24 hours the pain increased and ileus appeared. The operation due to vital indication was carried out with maximal effort to preserve the pregnancy. The 2200g-weigh-myoma was removed abdominally and the pregnancy continued without another complication. The cesarian section was done in 38-week-old pregnancy and a healthy child was delivered. The second big fibroid on the back of the uterus was found during the cesarian section, myomectomy and large adhesiolysis was done. The pacient was hospitalized during the puerperium again with reapperance of ileus. The therapy of ileus was conservative. A case report presents a rare ocurence of big myomectomy during the second trimestr of pregnancy which was complicated by recidivans ileus due to large adhesive process in abdominal cavity.
Conclusion: The prevalence of fibroids in pregnancy is between 2 and 4%, only 10 procents of this pregnancies are complicated, the necrosis of fibroid during the pregnancy is one of the most difficult cases.