Low ion-velocity slowing down in a strongly magnetized plasma target

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2008 Nov;78(5 Pt 2):056405. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.056405. Epub 2008 Nov 19.


An ion projectile stopping at a velocity smaller than the target electron thermal velocity in a strong magnetic field is investigated within a different diffusion formulation, based on Green-Kubo integrands evaluated in magnetized one component plasma models, respectively framed on target ions and electrons. Analytic expressions are reported for slowing down orthogonal and parallel to an arbitrary large magnetic field, which are free from the usual uncertainties plaguing the standard perturbative derivations. Magnetic and target temperature dependences of the low velocity slowing down are thoroughly detailed for dense plasmas of fast ignition concern and ultracold plasmas envisioned for ion beam cooling, as well.