A numerical taxonomy was studied on a group of heterophyid trematodes and analysis was made on the following species: Metagonimus yokogawai (3 OTU, Operational Taxonomic Unit), Metagonimus Miyata Type (3 OTU), Metagonimus takahashii (2 OTU), Heterophyes dispar (2 OTU), Heterophyes heterophyes (1 OTU), Heterophyes nocens (2 OTU), Heterophyopsis continua (1 OTU), Pygidiopsis summa (3 OTU), Stellantchasmus falcatus (2 OTU) and Stictodora lari (2 OTU). Twenty-six morphological characters were measured and their values were expressed as relative ratios. Similarity and correlation matrix among each individuals were calculated. Clustering analysis by Ward's method and factor analysis were performed using the SAS (Statistical Analysis System) package. As a result, the groups belonging to the genus of Metagonimus were divided into three phenons (Metagonimus yokogawai, Metagonimus Miyata Type, M. takahashii), and Metagonimus Miyata Type was classified as the level of subspecies of M. takahashii. The groups belonging to the genus Heterophyes were clearly divided into three phenons (Heterophyes dispar, H. heterophyes, H. nocens), and H. nocens was classified as not a subspecies level of H. heterophyes but a distinct species. Other species were classified as distinct phenons. From these results, the application of numerical taxonomy on trematode classification is considered to be a great aid to determine the limit of taxa.