In the present study the influence of the flip angle on image contrast in spin echo imaging was investigated. It was evaluated, whether variation of the flip angle allows for shorter repetition and imaging times in T2-weighted spin echo sequences. 10 patients with cerebral white matter lesions were investigated with an 1.5 Tesla whole body tomograph using a conventional double-spin echo sequence (TR = 2500 ms, TE = 15 and 70 ms) and time-optimized double-spin echo sequences (TR = 1900 ms, TE 15 and 70 ms) at flip angles of 90, 80, 70, 60 and 50 degrees. A reduction of the flip angles resulted in a decrease of T1-weighting and a relative increase of T2-weighting of the images. Despite the reduced repetition time at a flip angle of 70 degrees visually and quantitatively assessed contrast between lesions and brain as well as image artifacts of the time-optimized sequence were comparable to the conventional spin echo sequence; however, imaging time was shortened about 25%.