Mutations in the HIV-1 genes associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs were detected also in primary HIV infected individuals who did not receive antiretroviral treatment. Drug resistance genotyping of HIV pol gene was done by in situ DNA hybridization using a Line Probe Assay and by direct sequencing. Viral variants harbouring resistance mutations such as: M41, T69R, K70R, M184V, T215Y in the pol gene were detected in 14% of the subjects. HIV mutants resistant to NRT inhibitors were found in 10 and 20% of patients infected before and after the year 2000, respectively. Multiple drug resistant viruses (2-3 drug classes) were present in 3.5% of the mainly recently infected patients. In protease gene only minor resistant mutations were found such as L101 and A71V. These findings indicate the evolution of drug resistance showing a correlation with the time of introduction of combination therapy in our country, where more than 70% of HIV infections were by homo/bisexual transmission. This confirms the transmission of drug-resistant HIV shown by genotype testing during primary infection in therapy-naive patients and initiates serious clinical and public health consequences.