The endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) capture stent is a stainless steel coronary stent covered with antibodies specific to EPC's surface antigens, designed to promote the faster formation of a functional endothelial lining. This may prevent both stent thrombosis and restenosis as well as reduce the need of prolonged double antiplatelet therapy. Here we report a case of late (156 days after implantation) EPC capture stent thrombosis and re-stenosis of a second EPC capture stent occurring both in the same patient after withdrawal of clopidogrel. Intravascular ultrasound performed during his acute admission showed undersizing of the stent with thrombosis. The present case raises the question about the safety of the EPC capture stent and the need to prolong at least for 6 months double antiplatelet therapy also in patients receiving this new stent.
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