The ability of the central nervous system to control posture and balance has been used with increasing frequency for the diagnosis and/or treatment evaluation of various neuromuscular diseases. Typically this analysis (Posturographic Analysis) is based on tracking the motion of the center of mass (COM) during quiet standing, however direct measurement of the COM has been commonly approximated using the movement of the center of pressure (COP). The purpose of this study was to apply and validate a new method to track the COM (center of mass) and COP (center of pressure) from a visual hull measured using a markerless motion capture (MMC) method. The method was tested by comparing the calculation of the COP from direct measurements of the COP. The deviations between the methods, below 2mm, were small relative to the average range of movement guaranteeing a satisfactory signal to noise ratio. This new method requires only kinematic data through MMC method and without the need of a force plate can identify the influence of individual body segments to motion of the COM.