The objective of this review was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of carbetocin in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. All trials found during a targeted Medline and Cochrane database search were screened for eligibility. Outcome measures were estimated blood loss, uterine tone, amount and type of lochia, fundal position after delivery (number of centimeters above or below the umbilicus), side-effects, adverse effects, vital signs, levels of hemoglobin/hematocrit before delivery compared with 24 or 48 hours postpartum, the need for additional uterotonic therapy, and/or uterine massage and duration of the third stage of labor. The retrieved studies were difficult to compare because of differences in study design and outcome. We conclude that carbetocin probably is as effective as oxytocin or syntometrine in the prophylactic management of the third stage of labor. Also carbetocin has a similar safety profile to oxytocin, which is now used as a standard prophylactic treatment. However, more research on this subject is needed.