An open clinical trial was carried out to compare the efficacy and the tolerability of 1 g/day alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (alpha-GPC) with 1 g/day cytosine diphosphocholine (CDP) both given intramuscularly for 90 days in 120 patients with mild to moderate vascular dementia. The clinical evaluation, carried out at the start as well as halfway through (45 days) and at the end of treatment (90 days), was expressed by psychometric tests (modified Parkside behaviour rating scale, Sandoz clinical assessment geriatric scale, word fluency test, Hamilton's rating scale of depression, narration subtest of Wechsler memory scale). Both treatments produced a definite symptomatic improvement and showed a very good tolerability. The results suggest that in most tests alpha-GPC possessed a statistical higher efficacy and an overall more satisfactory activity assessed by both patients and investigators compared with CDP.