A comparison was made between the electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) responses of eleven ultraviolet (UV) filters. Four of the target compounds were favourably ionized in negative ion mode, and the other seven compounds in positive ion mode. For nine of the compounds APPI generated a similar response to that of ESI, but the APPI signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios were 1.3-60 times higher. The two most polar of the UV filter compounds (PBSA and BP-4) were more efficiently ionized by ESI, offering higher signal intensities and lower detection limits. APPI was, however, less susceptible to ion suppression than ESI when real samples were injected. In order to optimize the APPI conditions different dopant solvents were examined to enhance the efficiency of the photoionization process. Among the evaluated dopants, toluene was selected as the best compromise. At a toluene flow rate of 10% of the solvent flow rates the ionization response increased by a factor of 40-50 over the use of no dopant for the compounds in positive ion mode and by more than 300 for the compounds in negative ion mode.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd