Background: Placement of nasoenteral feeding tubes can require endoscopic support.
Aim: To analyze the usefulness of transnasal ultrathin endoscopy in the placement of nasoenteral feeding tubes.
Patients and methods: We performed an ambispective study of all patients who underwent nasoenteral feeding (4.9 mm) in 2007.
Results: Twenty-six procedures were performed. The mean age of the patients was 69.3+/-13 years. Nasal anesthesia was used in 23 patients (88.4%), and midazolam in 8 (30.8%). No anesthesia was used in 4 patients (15.3%).
Indications: stenotic esophageal lesions (42.3%), distal placement to the pathological alteration (46.1%), and failure of placement through the normal route (11.5%). We placed 13 (50%) nasoduodenal, 7 (29.6%) nasogastric and 6 (23.1%) nasojejunal tubes. The success rate was 100%. The most frequently used calibre was 12 F. There were no complications.
Conclusions: The use of transnasal ultrathin endoscopy in the placement of nasoenteral feeding tubes in our patients was safe, effective and relatively easy.