The authors refer about their first experience with radiofrequency ablation of locally advanced pancreatic tumors. They put forward the prospective study of five patients (four with ductal adenocarcinoma of the head and one with malignant neuroendocrine tumor of pancreatic body), who either because of local advanced disease or performance status, were not able to undergo radical curative surgery. All patients underwent peroperative radiofrequency ablation of pancreatic tumors. In the case of pancreatic head localization, posterior retrocolic gastro-enterostomy and hepatico-jejunostomy to Y Roux jejunal loop were performed. There was no perioperative mortality. In one case duodenal leak apeared in the fourth postoperative day. This was healed conservatively by drainage. At one patient the subfascial absces developed. This was solved by drainage reoperation at the fourteenth postoperative day. After consolidation, all patients were released to home care.
Conclusion: According to our early experience, radiofrequency ablation of inoperable pancreatic tumors is relatively save cytoreductive procedure.