Insulin and C-peptide have been proposed as possible biomarkers of human insulin hormone misuse in sport. An extended intra- and inter-laboratory validation of commercially available immunoassays was performed. Enzyme Amplified Sensitivity Immunoassay (EASIA) assays (Human Insulin-EASIA and C-peptide EASIA kits from BioSource) were evaluated for insulin and C-peptide in serum. The intra- and inter-laboratory precision and accuracy values were good for the evaluated assays with maximum imprecision and inaccuracy of 16% and 23%, respectively, obtained just for one day C-peptide assay evaluation. The range of concentrations found in serum samples under investigation was always covered by the calibration curves of the studied immunoassays. However, a 19.7% of the samples felt below the estimated insulin limit of quantification. High concordance between laboratory results was obtained for insulin assay (intraclass correlation coefficient -ICC=0.857), whereas that for C-peptide was lower (ICC=0.539). Evaluated immunoassays were used to measure serum concentrations of insulin and C-peptide in elite athletes of various sport disciplines at different moment of training season, in recreational athletes at baseline conditions and finally in sedentary individuals. Serum insulin was statistically lower both in recreational and elite athletes when compared to sedentary individuals. Among elite athletes, the specific sport affected serum insulin (e.g., weightlifting) and C-peptide (e.g., triathlon) concentrations. Over the training season, a within athletes variability was observed for taekwondo, swimming and weightlifting athletes. Variations due to those aspects should be taken in careful consideration in the hypothesis of setting reference concentration ranges for doping detection.