Tubal block is a common cause of infertility. Therefore Laparoscopy or Hysterosalphingoraphy or Hydrosonosalphingography are accepted methods for diagnosis of tubal block. Genital tuberculosis has a world wide distribution, more common in developing countries. Tubal block is the sequel of that disease. This prospective study by determination of Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) in the endometrium of infertility patients was carried out in 60 patients at the Infertility unit, department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) during January 2005 to December 2006. In this study AFB positive in endometrium was in 14(46.7%) cases and 4(13.3%) in control. Out of 30 cases 60% had primary sub-fertility and 40% had secondary sub fertility. Most common tubal pathology was adhesion in 11(36%) cases. Others were beaded and tortuous in 8(26.7%) and hydrosalphix in 6(20%) and tube was dilated in 2(6.7%) cases. There were bilateral tubal block in 18(60%) and unilateral tubal block in 12 (40%) cases.