Background and aims: Infection with Helicobacter hepaticus is suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic liver disease in humans. However, reactive antigens among Helicobacter species make the development of an H. hepaticus ELISA test with high specificity difficult. A new monoclonal antibody from a hybridoma clone (HRII-51) showed high specificity to H. hepaticus without cross-reaction to other gastrointestinal bacteria.
Methods: The molecular weight of HRII-51 immunoreactive antigen was examined by Western blot of H. hepaticus probed with the monoclonal antibody HRII-51. A HRII-51-immunoreactive antigen capture ELISA was prepared in which the specific antigen was anchored by HRII-51-immobilized ELISA plate. Accuracy of HRII-51 antigen capture ELISA was examined using sera obtained from mice inoculated with Helicobacter species. Specificity of HRII-51 antigen capture ELISA was compared to that of H. hepaticus antigen-based ELISA using human sera with absorption by H. pylori cell lysate.
Results: HRII-51 immunoreactive antigen had a molecular weight of 15 kDa. Sensitivity and specificity of HRII-51 antigen capture ELISA were 87.0% and 97.6% in mice inoculated with Helicobacter species. In human sera, modification of the results by absorption with H. pylori lysate was smaller in HRII-51 antigen capture ELISA comparing with H. hepaticus-antigen-based ELISA.
Conclusion: Use of the HRII-51 antigen capture ELISA would be a useful approach for the serodiagnosis of H. hepaticus infection in both experimental animals and humans.