The viral surface glycoprotein neuraminidase (NA) allows the influenza virus penetration and the egress of virions. NAs are classified as A, B, and C. Type-A NAs from influenza virus are subdivided into two phylogenetically distinct families, group-1 and group-2. NA inhibition by oseltamivir represents a therapeutic approach against the avian influenza virus H5N1. Here, structural bases for oseltamivir recognition by group-1 NA1, NA8 and group-2 NA9 are highlighted by the ScrewFit algorithm for quantitative structure comparison. Oseltamivir binding to NA1 and NA8 affects the geometry of Glu119 and of regions Arg130-Ser160, Val240-Gly260, and Asp330-Glu382, leading to multiple NA conformations. Additionally, although NA1 and NA9 share almost the same oseltamivir-bound final conformation, they show some relevant differences as suggested by the ScrewFit algorithm. These results indicate that the design of new NA inhibitors should take into account these family-specific effects induced on the whole structure of NAs.