The paper presents a novel method for simultaneous online examination of inorganic forms of aluminium: AlF(2)(+), AlF(2+,) and Al(3+) by means of the high performance liquid chromatography hyphenated with a detection by the atomic absorption spectrometry with flame atomization (HPLC-FAAS) without post-column reaction. The application of optimization procedure conditions of chromatographic separation of inorganic forms of aluminium was achieved by the analytical column IonPac CS5A (Dionex) with guard column IonPac CG5A (Dionex) and an aqueous ammonium chloride mobile phase, at pH about 3 with gradient elution. The separation of Al forms with nominal charge of 1+, 2+, 3+ required a run time of less than 8 min during a single analysis. The proposed method has been successfully used for the examination of aluminium forms formation AlF(n)((3-n)+) in environmental samples.