Diffuse neuronal migration disorders associated with epilepsy can now be recognized by modern neuroimaging techniques, particularly high-resolution MRI. We report 10 patients with a recently described MRI picture of continuous or generalized band heterotopia underlying the cortical mantle, giving the appearance of a "double cortex." They have epilepsy, and almost all have mental retardation. The epileptic disorder varies in nature and degree of severity. Patients may present with infantile spasms, a Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, or other forms of secondary generalized or multifocal epilepsy. Response to medical treatment is variable. Callosotomy may lead to considerable reduction of drop attacks, present in 60%. Mental retardation is usually mild or moderate, and only rarely severe. It correlates with the type of epileptic syndrome, and is greater in patients with more disorganized cortex overlying the heterotopia. Recognition of this entity by MRI is important for appropriate diagnosis of the epileptic disorder, planning of therapeutic strategy, and prognosis.