An 8-year-old phenotypic female with campomelic dysplasia (CD) and 46,XY sex-reversal presented with renal colic. Medullary nephrocalcinosis, urolithiasis, and renal malrotation were diagnosed by computed tomographic scanning. Pelvic sonogram identified an enlarged left gonad. Genetic testing revealed a novel SOX9 heterozygous deletion of a cytosine at nucleotide 972 (972delC), causing a frameshift at codon 200, introducing a stop codon 18 codons further downstream (P200fsX218). At laparoscopic gonadectomy, a left dysgerminoma was removed. This first reported case of dysgerminoma in a sex-reversed patient with CD who also had urolithiasis stresses the importance of prophylactic gonadectomy and urologic evaluations in this susceptible population.