When studying histological characteristics of human and porcine pancreata in relation to islet isolation, we encountered a remarkably high number of hyperemic islets. The abnormalities observed in these islets ranged from a single dilated vessel through multiple widely dilated vessels to hemorrhages extending into the surrounding exocrine tissue. We determined their possible relevance for outcomes of islet isolation. This study involved a histological examination of 143 porcine pancreata (72 juvenile and 71 adult) and islet isolation from 48 adult pancreata. Human pancreata obtained from 71 multiple organ donors yielded islet isolation in 24 cases. To determine their endocrine content, tissue samples were stained with Aldehyde Fuchsin. The presence of hyperemic islets was scored semiquantitatively with pancreata allotted to categories based on the severity. In humans and pigs we observed hyperemic islets in 48% of pancreata, but only 4.0 +/- 2.4% of the islets were hyperemic. In both humans and pigs, significantly higher endocrine content was found in the most severely affected pancreata. When the higher endocrine content was taken into account and isolation results were expressed as ratios of yield and content, we observed significantly lower yields in the most affected pancreata in pigs with a trend toward lower yields in humans. A substantial proportion of human and porcine pancreata contain hyperemic islets. Although the results in humans are preliminary, our data suggest that this phenomenon may contribute to the unpredictable, highly variable islet yields in pigs and humans.