Cylindrical cyclone media separators using a suspended calcite separation media simulating industrial scale operations are demonstrated to effectively separate a wide variety of forms and a greater range of particle sizes of plastics by density than presently recycled. Purities of plastic products and recoveries obtained from mixed plastic wastes are comparable to those reported for established separations. Products of approximately 100% purity with recoveries of >99% were obtained for high density fractions and >98% purities and recoveries for the low density fractions. Cyclonic centrifugal forces and/or the fine particle size of the separation media appear to minimize hydroscopic and particle shape effects. A mathematical model is proposed for defining plastic waste feed rates and treatable particle size ranges for the LARCODEMS media separator. Waste plastic separations yielded Ecart probable (Ep) values 0.024 for a water only separation media. The Ep for 1.1gcm(-3) separation medias was <0.032 with minimal to no variation in values for 1-8mm particle sizes. Variation in the quality of separations is shown to be minimal with <72microm, <45microm and <2microm media particle sizes. Media density offset created varied according to particle size.