To study the relationship between chromosomal abnormality and clinical ending events of reproductive abnormality, G-banding and karyotype analyses were carried out by using chromosome preparations from peripheral blood lymphocytes. Out of 5 774 cases with reproductive abnormality, 550 individuals had chromosomal abnormalities. Among them, 255 cases (46.36%) were trisomy, 91 cases (16.55%) were reciprocal translocation, 85 cases (15.45%) were chromosomal inversion, 81 cases (14.73%) were deletions, 21 cases (3.82%) were Robertsonian translocation, 7 cases (1.27%) were short arm increment, 6 cases (1.09%) were Y chromosome increment and 4 cases (0.73%) were abnormal satellites. Thirty-two cases with novel chromosomal abnormality karyotypes in them, being complicated by miscarriage, sterility, and congenital malformation, were firstly reported. The results suggested that chromosomal abnormality could be the one of main factors related to the bad reproductive ending events.