Approximately one-third of all dialysis patients have mild to moderate malnutrition, while 6-8% have severe malnutrition, which is associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates and numerous pre-existing factors directly correlated with, or existing prior to, replacement hemodialysis. However, moderate to severe malnutrition (present in 10-30% of dialysis patients) is a prevalent cause of death among the elderly. Many of these patients have a particularly unstable cardiovascular and metabolic status that, independent of any underlying uremia and/or dialysis, impacts negatively on both their quality of life and clinical status. Moreover, their condition is often further exacerbated by dialysis itself, with its acute (e.g., hypotension and sensorial alterations) and chronic complications, including an exacerbation of malnutrition and systemic vascular disease. Malnutrition can occur secondary not only to erroneous dietary choices or uremia, but it may also depend on the patient's level of tolerance to dialysis and on the dialysis modality. Despite the improvements made to dialysis techniques, the nutritional condition of elderly patients on dialysis for chronic renal failure remains a cause for concern. In this patient category, it is therefore mandatory to ensure the daily supervision of nutritional status and early control when the first signs of malnutrition appear.