Computed tomographic images of the neck, thorax and abdomen in four healthy adult rabbits were obtained with a conventional CT using a slice-thickness of 5mm. CT images were obtained with the animals positioned in sternal recumbency on a removable plastic support directly laying on the CT-table. At the end of the CT session, each rabbit was euthanized and, while carefully maintaining the same position on the plastic support, the animal was moved into a -20 degrees C freezer until completely frozen. Each cadaver was then sectioned at 10mm slices, with the first section starting at the tip of the nose, respecting the imaging protocol. The frozen sections were cleaned and then photographed on each side. Anatomic structures were identified and labeled first on each side of the frozen section and then on the corresponding CT image with the aid of the available literature. Results from our study provide an atlas of normal cross-sectional gross and CT anatomy of the rabbit neck, thorax and abdomen, useful in the interpretation of any cross-sectional imaging modality in this species.