Purpose: Previous studies made only qualitative assessments of immune cell responses to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) implant wear debris. The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative comparison of inflammatory cell types in TMJ tissues with implant wear debris, TMJ tissues with a history of disc pathology without implant debris, and TMJ tissues from normal control subjects.
Materials and methods: TMJ tissues were collected from the following 3 groups of subjects: 1) individuals with failed TMJ implants (implant group, n = 10), 2) patients with TMJ disc pathology but no history of implant placement (nonimplant surgery group, n = 10), and normal cadaveric tissues with no history of surgery (control group, n = 10). Tissue sections (5 microm) from all subjects were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, after which cell counts were done for 2 types of inflammatory cells: multinucleated giant cells and lymphocytes. Mean inflammatory cell counts from the 3 groups were compared by use of a 1-way analysis of variance procedure and Bonferroni adjustment to maintain an overall type I error rate of .05.
Results: Implant group tissues contained significantly more inflammatory cells than tissues from the nonimplant surgery and control groups (P < .0001). Multinucleated giant cells were only present in implant group tissues. Although the high number of multinucleated giant cells present in the implant group obscured a total count of lymphocytes for that group, lymphocyte cell counts were still significantly greater (P < .005) in implant group tissues than in tissues from the other 2 groups.
Conclusions: Our data provide quantitative confirmation that the presence of Proplast-Teflon implant (Vitek, Houston, TX) wear debris is associated with a significant increase in the number of local multinucleated giant cells and lymphocytes.