Treatment of hypertension is quite effective in preventing cerebrovascular disease. Morbidity and mortality from coronary heart disease, the major complications of high blood pressure are not, however, generally affected when mild to moderate hypertension is treated with antihypertensive drugs. This is probably owing to the multifactorial nature of atherosclerosis, the main cause of coronary heart disease. For example, dyslipidemias and other risk factors are very common among hypertensive patients. Prevention of coronary heart disease among hypertensive subjects is possible only by intervening in the many contributory risks. Non-pharmacological hypolipidemic treatments such as adequate nutrition and exercise are positive steps in the treatment of all hypertensive patients. The role of various antihypertensive agents should also be carefully considered. The associations between hypertension, several metabolic abnormalities, development of organ complications and various antihypertensive drugs should be explored in detail.