Rationale and objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the ability of a semiautomated process to produce three-dimensional reconstructions of the ventricles and calculate ventricular volumes from magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data in children with structural brain abnormalities.
Materials and methods: Fourteen children referred for MR imaging of the brain for neurologic symptoms were selected. Seven participants had structural brain abnormalities on MR imaging; seven further participants were age-matched controls with normal brain morphology. MR imaging included T1-weighted volumetric images in all cases. Semiautomated postprocessing techniques were performed on the MR imaging data to generate three-dimensional reconstructions of the ventricles. These were analyzed for morphologic changes, and volumes were calculated. Inter- and intrarater agreement of ventricular volumes were calculated.
Results: This technique produced detailed three-dimensional reconstructions of the ventricles, even in children with grossly abnormal ventricular morphology. All MR imaging data were successfully postprocessed in <5 minutes. Inter- and intrarater reliability was excellent, with correlation coefficients of 0.99 and 0.92, respectively.
Conclusion: This methodology can create detailed three-dimensional visualizations and volumetric measurements of morphologically abnormal ventricles. This technique could help physicians and parents comprehend abnormal ventricular anatomy better and may have future clinical uses in monitoring disease progression or neurosurgical planning.