Parental genome functions in ontogeny are determined by interactions among transcripts from the maternal and paternal genomes, which contain many genes whose expression is strictly dependent on their parental origin as a result of genomic imprinting. Comprehensive recognition of the interactions between parental genomes is important for understanding genomic imprinting in mammalian development. The placenta is a key organ for exploring the biological significance of genomic imprinting. To decipher the unknown roles of paternally methylated imprinted genes on chromosomes 7 and 12 in mouse placentation, we performed a transcriptomic analysis on placentae in three types of bimaternal conceptuses that contained genomes derived from both non-growing and fully grown oocytes. Furthermore, we used the Ingenuity pathway analysis software to predict key networks and identify functions specific to paternally methylated imprinted genes regulated by the Igf2-H19 imprinting control region and Dlk1-Dio3 imprinting control region. The data suggested that dynamic conversion of the gene expression profile by restoring the expression of paternally methylated imprinted genes resulted in phenotypic improvements in bimaternal placentae. These results provide a framework to further explore the role of epigenetic modifications in paternal genome during mouse placentation.