The correct and constant management of transplant waiting lists is necessary for the optimal utilization of the limited number of organs available for transplantation. The guidelines regarding placement on transplant waiting lists (absolute and relative contraindications) are well documented, even though they are in constant development. The criteria for the monitoring of patients on waiting lists, however, are not so well defined; this aspect is subject to careful evaluation on account of the widening of the criteria for transplantation suitability, the increase in the average age of patients, a rise in the number of enrolments and, as a result, prolonged waiting time (in Italy, the average time spent on a waiting list is 37 months). During the waiting period, a greater risk of clinically significant comorbidities and mortality, above all from cardiovascular events, has been noted (the annual mortality is 5-7% in the US, 1.3% in Italy). An in-depth clinical and instrumental study of patients with chronic renal failure is necessary when screening eligible candidates for transplant programs, individualizing therapeutic strategies, and identifying patients for whom the risks outweigh the potential benefits. Clinical and instrumental monitoring, as well as adequate treatment of comorbidities during the waiting period, can help improve the post-transplant outcome. This work examines the study algorithms and monitoring procedures for patients on kidney transplant waiting lists.