In order to disclose general regularities of binding in homeodomain-DNA complexes we considered five of them and extended the observed regularities over the entire homeodomain family. The five complexes have been selected by similarity of protein structures and patterns of contacting residues. Their long range interactions and interfaces were compared. The long-range stage of the recognition process was characterized by electrostatic potentials about 5 Angstrom away from molecular surfaces of protein or DNA. For proteins, clear positive potential is displayed only at the side contacting the DNA. The double-chained DNA molecule displays a rather strong negative potential, especially in their grooves. Thus, a functional role of electrostatics is a guiding of the protein into the DNA major groove, so the protein and DNA could form a loose non-specific complex. At the close-range stage, neutralization of the phosphate charges by positively charged residues is necessary for decreasing the strong electrostatic potential of DNA, allowing nucleotide bases to participate in the formation of protein-DNA atomic contacts in the interface. The recognizing alpha-helix of protein was shown to form both invariant and variable groups of contacts with DNA by means of certain specific side groups. The invariant contacts included highly specific protein-DNA hydrogen bonds between asparagine and adenine, nonpolar contacts of hydrophobic amino acids serving as a stereochemical barrier for fixing the protein factor on DNA, and an interface cluster of water molecules providing local conformational mobility necessary for the dissociation process. There is a unique water molecule within the interface that is conservative and located at the interface center. Invariant contacts of the proteins are mostly formed with the TAAT motif of the promoter DNA forward strand. While the invariant contacts specify the family of homeodomains, the variable contacts that are formed with the reverse strand of DNA provide specificity of individual complexes within the homeodomain family.