The establishment of biorepositories, linked to clinical and epidemiologic data, are central to the goals of personalized medicine and individualized cancer therapy. Repositories of DNA, RNA, and serum samples are valuable resources for cancer research, enabling the investigation of the underlying causes of cancer development, progression, and prognosis, as well as providing a resource for the investigation of biomarkers for early detection and prediction of response. With a greater reliance on sample-derived data for molecular-based research and clinical care, improved standards and informatics for sample procurement, storage, and analysis are necessary to maximize the value of tissue collection for research participants, investigators, and academic medical centers. We present herein the experience of an academic medical center in establishing a repository for esophageal research, with discussion of elements to be considered when establishing such a resource, from the quality assurance of samples to the organized collection and storage of associated clinical data. The development of this biorepository required significant planning to identify and consent participants by dedicated clinical and research personnel. Ensuring the quality of any biobank is of utmost importance, and one must understand the sample variability that exists during the acquisition of biospecimens. The time and type of fixative have been optimized in our unit by standard operating protocols. Methods for biomolecule extraction were tested by examining both the quality and the quantity of recovered sample. These procedures were overseen by a designated biobank manager, responsible for the acquisition of the sample from surgery, which limits variability in sample collection. Our unit also has a dedicated database manager for the maintenance of quality clinical data linked to the bioresource. The development and expansion of such repositories, at local and national levels, is required to enable leading academic medical centers and their investigators to provide optimal and molecularly guided care to their patients.