Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells may be of use in regenerative medicine. However, the low efficiency of reprogramming is a major impediment to the generation of patient-specific iPS cell lines. Here we report the first selection system for the isolation of human iPS cells. We developed the EOS (Early Transposon promoter and Oct-4 (Pou5f1) and Sox2 enhancers) lentiviral vector to specifically express in mouse and human embryonic stem cells but not in primary fibroblasts. The bicistronic EOS vector marked emerging mouse and human iPS cell colonies with EGFP, and we used puromycin selection to aid the isolation of iPS cell lines that expressed endogenous pluripotency markers. These lines differentiated into cell types from all three germ layers. Reporter expression was extinguished upon differentiation and therefore monitored the residual pluripotent cells that form teratomas. Finally, we used EOS selection to establish Rett syndrome-specific mouse and human iPS cell lines with known mutations in MECP2.