Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) has been shown to be a promising biomarker of cancer risk in patients with premalignant conditions. In this study we describe analytical validation in clinical biopsy samples of a SNP-based pyrosequencing panel targeting regions of LOH on chromosomes 17p and 9p including TP53 and CDKN2A tumor suppressor genes. Assays were tested for analytic specificity, sensitivity, efficiency, and reproducibility. Accuracy was evaluated by comparing SNP-based LOH results to those obtained by previously well-studied short tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRs) in DNA derived from different tissue sources including fresh-frozen endoscopic biopsies, samples from surgical resections, and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. A 17p/9p LOH panel comprised of 43 SNPs was designed to amplify with universal assay conditions in a two-step PCR and sequence-by-synthesis reaction that can be completed in two hours and 10 minutes. The methods presented can be a model for developing a SNP-based LOH approach targeted to any chromosomal region of interest for other premalignant conditions and this panel could be incorporated as part of a biomarker for cancer risk prediction, early detection, or as entry criteria for randomized trials.