The aim of this research is to extend previous studies of the time-frequency features of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) using information about the properties of the signals at low frequencies. Responses to 0.5 kHz tone bursts were compared to OAEs that were evoked by click stimuli and by 1, 2, and 4 kHz tone burst stimuli. The OAEs were measured using 20 and 30 ms intervals between stimuli. The analysis revealed no differences in the time-frequency properties of 1, 2, and 4 kHz bursts measured using these two different acquisition windows. However, at 0.5 kHz the latency of the response was affected significantly if a shorter time window was used. This was caused by the fact that the response reached a maximum after an average time of 15.4 ms, and lasted a few milliseconds longer. Therefore, for this particular stimulus, the use of a 30 ms time window seems more appropriate. In addition, as an example of the possible application of low-frequency OAEs, signals were measured in patients suffering from partial deafness, characterized by steep audiograms with normal thresholds up to 0.5 kHz and almost total deafness above this frequency. Although no response to clicks was observed in these subjects, the use of 0.5 kHz tone bursts did produce OAEs.