Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the clinicopathological factors that influence the prognosis of patients having undergone surgery for gastric cancer. The analysis of the potential prognosis factors has included in this study parameters concerning the patient (sex, age), as well as parameters related with the tumor (macroscopic aspect of the tumor according to the Borrman's classification, histological type according to the WHO and Lauren's classifications, degree of tumor differentiation, tumor location, stage of disease, pT and pM parameters according to the TNM classification of AJCC/UICC).
Material and methods: From the total number of 265 patients (186 men and 79 women) diagnosed with gastric cancer in the period 1998-2002, 61 operated patients were selected. On this group, we performed a prospective study regarding the evolution and aggressiveness of gastric cancer, on a duration of 5 years. Survival time was calculated from the month of the surgical intervention until the month of death or confirmation of survival, and survival rate was represented by the percentage of survivals at the end of the observed interval (in years and months).
Results: The studied group consisted of 61 patients (43 men and 18 women), with ages between 30 and 80 (average age = 59.34 years). We have identified five papillary adenocarcinomas (8.2%), 28 tubular adenocarcinomas (46%), 17 "signet-ring" cell carcinomas (27.8%), eight mucinous adenocarcinomas (13.1%), and three undifferentiated or anaplastic carcinomas. Most gastric carcinomas examined were included in the category of poorly differentiated carcinomas (63.9%). According to the Lauren's classification, we have identified 38 intestinal type gastric carcinomas (62.3%), 17 diffuse type carcinomas (27.9%), and six mixed carcinomas (9.8%). We have identified aspects of lymphovascular invasion in 38 cases (62.3%).
Conclusions: "Signet-ring" cells carcinomas, and the anaplastic ones, prove in our study to be extremely aggressive histological forms, characterized through low rates of survival. We remarked a significant correlation between the degree of tumor differentiation and survival of patients, the values recorded being significantly lower in medium and poorly differentiated carcinomas (p = 0.00871194 FS). Average survival, calculated in months, is significantly lower in patients with diffuse type carcinomas (11.3 months), in comparison with patients presenting intestinal type carcinomas (20.4 months) (p = 0.0415 S). There is a direct proportional relationship between the lymphovascular invasion and the number of positive lymph nodes. Survival after 5 years decreases significantly in the presence of lymphovascular invasion.