Objective: To determine the frequency of Non Convulsive Status Epilepticus in patients admitted with impaired consciousness.
Methods: All EEG's in patients with impaired level of consciousness over four years from 2002- 2006 were reviewed. All EEG's showing continuous epileptiform discharges were included. Findings of all these EEG's were divided into five groups; generalized spikes and wave, generalized sharp and wave, focal spike and wave, focal sharp and wave and periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges.
Results: There were 785 EEG's recorded in patients with impaired level of consciousness. Only 12 (1.5%) patients were identified with NCSE on EEG. The commonest EEG findings in our patients with NCSE were: Continuous focal spike and wave seen in 4(33%), Continuous generalized spike and wave 3 (25%), Continuous generalized sharp and wave 3 (25%), Continuous focal sharp and wave 1 (8.3) and Continuous periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) in 1 (8.3%) patient.
Conclusion: NCSE is an important treatable entity which can be easily recognized by doing an EEG.