Length control and sharpening of carbon nanotube scanning probe microscope tips using carbon nanotube "nanoknife"

J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2009 Feb;9(2):1258-62. doi: 10.1166/jnn.2009.c133.


Through nanomanipulation inside scanning electron microscope, a carbon nanotube scanning probe microscope tip was made by connecting a carbon nanotube with a silicon atomic force microscope tip. The carbon nanotube scanning probe microscope tip was then tailored to the desired length and end structure by a "nanoknife" which is a carbon nanotube adhered to a metal tip. Through mapping the same carbon nanotube on SiO2 substrate, it was found that the lateral resolution of the carbon nanotube tips can be improved significantly through sharpening the tip ends, and the sharpened carbon nanotube tips had better performance than commercial silicon tips.