A quantitative risk assessment was developed for verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli VTEC) following hamburger consumption. The assessment considers initial contamination levels, cross-contamination and decontamination events during the cattle slaughter process and the distribution, storage and consumption patterns in Argentina and in similar countries in Latin-American. The model predicted an infection risk of 8.12x10(-7), a probability of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) of 4.6x10(-8) and a probability of mortality of 5.9x10(-9) per meal for adults. For children, the estimates per meal were 3.23x10(-7), 1.8x10(-8) and 6.31x10(-10) for infection, HUS and mortality, respectively. The risk of infection and HUS, were sensitive to the type of storage at home (r=-0.416), slaughterhouse storage temperature (r=0.240) and bacterial concentration in the cattle hide (r=0.239). There was an association between home preparation of hamburgers (r=-0.116) and the risk of illness, although this was a result of the type of storage at retail (r=-0.110) and at home and not their intrinsic characteristics. The most sensitive stages of the process were identified through the risk assessment and these can be used as a basis for measures of risk management.