Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of a self-instructional preconception counseling (PC) training program for Certified Diabetes Educators (CDEs) to enhance PC knowledge and self-efficacy.
Methods: A 1-group, pre-post test study was conducted with 31 CDEs from a large medical center in western Pennsylvania. The self-instructional program included selected readings, such as the American Diabetes Association's position statement on PC of women with diabetes and an interactive CD-ROM, "Reproductive-Health Awareness for Teenage Women With Diabetes" ("READY-Girls"). Paper-and-pencil knowledge and self-efficacy questionnaires regarding PC and pregnancies of women with diabetes were completed by the CDEs before and immediately following the self-instructional program. Upon completion, participants received 5.0 Continuing Nursing Education contact hours (CNEs) from the State Nurses Association.
Results: Prior to receiving the program, all of the participants indicated they would benefit from further training on PC. Pretest knowledge scores averaged in the 70th percentile; following the program, the participants significantly increased (P < .01) PC knowledge and self-efficacy in providing PC to women with diabetes, including adolescents.
Conclusions: Although CDEs knew relevant information, they lacked some specific knowledge about PC, and they lacked confidence in their knowledge and in their ability to counsel patients. Diabetes educators can benefit from an education program to provide PC to their female patients, including adolescents. Computer or Web-based accessibility could make this a low-cost and easily disseminated program.