Campomelic dysplasia (CD) is a rare autosomal dominant osteochondrodysplasia with or without XY disorders of sexual development (DSD). Campomelia is absent in about 10% of the cases, referred to as the acampomelic form of CD (ACD). Most CDs are caused by mutations within the SOX9 coding region. Several CD patients with balanced chromosome rearrangements involving the 17q24 region have been reported suggesting the presence of cis-regulatory elements upstream and/or downstream of the gene. Deletions upstream of SOX9 represent a third mechanism of mutation. To date, a 1.5 Mb de novo deletion in the SOX9 upstream region has been identified in a single 46,XY patient with ACD and DSD. We report here for the first time on a familial ACD caused by an inherited deletion mapping upstream of the SOX9 gene. Using high-density oligoarray comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), we showed that the size of the deletion was 960 kb in the XY-DSD child and her mother, both affected. The deletion lying from 517 kb to 1.477 Mb upstream of SOX9 remove several highly conserved elements and reduce the minimum critical size and therefore the number of highly conserved sequence elements responsible for ACD.
(c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.