Background/aims: In this paper, the in vivo tumor suppression effects of Staphyococal enterotoxin B (SEB) and Chalone 19-peptide, a form of Tumstain with modified coding sequence, on poorly differentiated human gastric carcinoma cells were compared.
Methodology: Animal model for studying human gastric carcinoma was established by injecting tumor cells (Human poorly differentiated gastric carcinoma cell line, SGC-7901) underneath the gastric serosa of BALB/c nude mice.
Results: Results demonstrated that SEB induced tumor cell death on a large scale and destroyed surrounding normal tissue at the same time, leading to tumor cluster breaking down and seeding. SEB had no effect on lymphovascular metastasis. The administration of 19-peptide on gastric carcinoma resulted in sheets-like tumor central necrosis, decreased angiogenesis and a moderate tumor infiltration into surrounding tissue without distant metastasis. Therefore, both SEB and 19-peptide could suppress the local growth, distant metastasis and invasion of poorly differentiated gastric carcinoma cells into surrounding tissues.
Conclusions: Data suggested that this model could effectively simulate the microenvironment of human gastric carcinoma, hence providing a platform for study on this cancer.