Object: The chronic tonsillar herniation defining Chiari malformation Type I (CMI) is thought to result from overcrowding of a normally developing hindbrain within a congenitally small posterior cranial fossa (PCF) due to occipital hypoplasia. The goals in the present study were to authenticate the cranioencephalic disproportion in a group of patients with CMI and to discuss new developmental aspects according to which part of the occipital bone was underdeveloped.
Methods: The authors retrospectively examined a group of 17 patients with CMI. Measurements of osteotentorial and neural structures of the PCF were made on MR images of the brain. The results were compared with findings in 30 healthy controls by using the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results: Dimensions of the neural structures did not differ between the 2 groups of patients. The mean length of the basiocciput was significantly shorter in the CMI group (19.4 mm) compared with the control group (25.7 mm; p = 0.0003). The mean diameter of the foramen magnum was larger in the CMI group, but this difference was not statistically significant. The dimensions of the supraocciput and the mean angle of the cerebellar tentorium were identical in the 2 groups.
Conclusions: Data in this study support the idea that occipital hypoplasia is the main cause of overcrowding within the PCF. Basioccipital shortness is a cardinal feature of the resultant shallow PCF and could proceed from a congenital disorder of the cephalic mesoderm of the parachordal plate or occur later in the infancy because of premature stenosis of the sphenooccipital synchondrosis.